Helpful Links
Have an Escrow-related question, or need some guidance regarding your upcoming transaction? Click on these handy links below! Of course, if you're still stumped, call us and one of our Escrow Specialists will happily assist you.
Consumer Resources
Industry Related Links
AEA - American Escrow Association
ALTA - American Land Title Association
CAR - California Association of Realtors
CEA - California Escrow Association
CLTA - California Land Title Association
CMBA - Connecticut Mortgage Bankers Association, Inc.
DFPI - CA Department of Financial Protection and Innovation
DRE - Department of Real Estate, CA
DOI - CA Department of Insurance
EAFC - Escrow Agents Fidelity Corporation
EIC - Escrow Institute of California
HUD - Department of Housing and Urban Development
IRS - Internal Revenue Service
LA County Clerk - Birth, Death, Marriage Records
LA County Treasurer and Tax Collector
NAR - National Association of Realtors
NNA - National Notary Association